Tuesday, 14 January 2025



Dinosaur created by Elizabeth Wade



“Composed in terra dactyls and set in stone”


round clumping found humping

thou thumping once whumping

the sound earth


breath finding death keeping

feet muscles fleet ankles

hold great girth


walk tender slow benders

leave imprints fresh minted

in soft mud


clodhoppers gobstoppers

jaw-droppers claws whoppers

in cold blood


the -saurus thesaurus

names sources pre-horses



toes fretted none bettered

soles refilled heels unchilled

with lava


charged fractals large dactyls

thy curving keeps serving



feet clip-clop neat non-stop

speak thy tines beat off time’s



X thy marks stark pawmarks

extinction distinction

signed hair’s breadth


ode on cue owed to you

fast shuttling past scuttling

 writ herewith

Thursday, 9 January 2025





stand behind this line

that goes to the end of the current day

even as you fall asleep


this line of early enquiry

buoyed by pure wakefulness

exercising excitement unstopped


this line sent to earlier selves

whatever it is friends say when friends

getting it right or wrong


this is the line you’ve got

whether you keep it or not

highlight, alter, or blot


this be the line you sign

never knowing where it’ll end, the need

the silence of the reader


stand behind this line

where top speed pulls in to a stop

and a door opens


this is that certain line?

wanting to say everything heeded

saying this thing and that


the line of reflection

timed to perfection

stuttering with inflections


stand behind this line

a place impossible to define

either the mess or the design


the line where the story begins

the one you thought you forgot

give it your best shot


line that could be a want

line of high velocity wind and sun

line that is a wound


stand behind this line until

you come to a complete standstill

please wait for further announcements


this line on this very platform

you arrived at just on time

or so it appears, in the din


stand to attention, at ease

rest behind this line, contemplate

sometime where the line came from

Sunday, 5 January 2025





wobbling ant afoot in sunlight

is our perception, toppling over pebbles

carting home lunch on its back


while closeup itsy’s procession

shows a nobly forward figure

of elegant ant manoeuvres


all day might be spent watching

the focussed, industrious ant

but attention must go on to other things


the Italian poet says his ant

nudges the dried leaf across pathways

hospitable to wayfarers


gauging, after consideration,

that solipsism is not ant’s forte

and never will be


while here at home the ant

makes circular micro-heaps

between the brickwork to the compost


scurrying the hard yards

between heatwave objectives

and the underground cool of ant


which it will do alone, or in queues,

forming opinions in our minds

ant does not wait to hear


out of sight out of mind

with an ant it seems, at first glance,

one day much like another


though another and then another

ant is ant’s day through summer

or so it seems in this heat


the Italian perceives ants

as an army at drills

but then he lived through two world wars


negotiating looks like squabbling

from this height:

ants like order, but this looks like chaos


the atlas in their heads

thousands of words never said

instead, the abstract dance of ants


scores circle a billabong of droplets

lying on a concrete pathway

the permanent thirst of ants


yet at the first scent of death

ants change their travel plans

shouldering the remains for burial


bitsy ants busy their trails

out and into their megacity

pretty labyrinths below nondescript earth


that will do them well for the winter

free of the birds

ants alive with memories of sunlight


scent is their language

touch that turns command to alert

in the seconds it takes ants to act


we might consider ants for hours

as we would a book of Times New Roman

black figures that up and scurry   


pages and pages of ant-size words

living concrete poetry

their objective water, not metaphor


Notes: the collage grid of ants was drawn with a black sharpie. “The Italian poet” is Eugenio Montale (1896-1981), whose work I am re-reading over the summer, in this respect especially the poem ‘Thrust and Parry II’, in ‘Satura: 1962-1970’, translated by William Arrowsmith (W. W. Norton, 1998).