Wednesday 14 November 2018

Zeugma (November)

November stands on the table and its dignity when not under the influence, and the table. Days eat away time and several courses, putting the cart before the horses and the online buyer. Never was life so much in vogue or the magazines than now, as November has everything to gain and in common. One slip could do your best laid plans and your head in, the rest going unspoken and at length on a comfortable couch. November comes around like clockwork or a patient anaesthetised upon a comfortable table; fit as a horse or a meal for a king.

Zeugma (November)

November stands on the table and its dignity
When not under the influence,
And the table.

Days eat away time and several courses,
Putting the cart before the horses
And the online buyer.

Never was life so much in vogue or the magazines
Than now, as November has everything to gain
And in common.

One slip could do your best laid plans
And your head in,
The rest going unspoken and at length
On a comfortable couch.

November comes around like clockwork
Or a patient anaesthetised
Upon a comfortable table; fit as a horse
Or a meal for a king.

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