Sunday 25 November 2018

Barzelletta (November)

Moustache month brings out the best in all of us, the hairy and hairless. Death is its own particular bless: far be it from us to make a jest. Election nights are ones to remember, rampantly yes or the sum of glum. Ballot papers return to sender ticking who’s best and pointing out scum, surely you don’t think we’re really that dumb: the hand gets something off its chest. Downtown the swaggies couldn’t care less, their names don’t make the list of guests. Mainly it’s warm now in November. They sit near the heater called the sun, answering to no-one.
Barzelletta (November)
Moustache month brings out the best
In all of us, the hairy and hairless.
Death is its own particular bless:
Far be it from us to make a jest.
Election nights are ones to remember,
Rampantly yes or the sum of glum.
Ballot papers return to sender
Ticking who’s best and pointing out scum,
Surely you don’t think we’re really that dumb:
The hand gets something off its chest.
Downtown the swaggies couldn’t care less,
Their names don’t make the list of guests.
Mainly it’s warm now in November.
They sit near the heater called the sun,
Answering to no-one.

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