Thursday 28 September 2023





a time of unbend a time of expend

a time for inhale a time for exhale

a time of insane a time of explain

a time to secrete a time to excrete

a time to withdraw a time to explore

a time for homestyle a time for exile

a time to revolt a time to exalt

a time of accept a time of except

a time to repress a time to express

a time of meagre a time of extra

a time for bedroom a time for exhume

a time to forget a time to expect

a time for efforts a time for exits

a time to retract a time to exact


Sunday 24 September 2023





His thoughts about her, her thoughts about him

as much a mystery as anything said

bitchin’ in the kitchen, together in bed

intoning on phones, taking life for a spin

minutes days years lost to Biography

as the best of times lives behind closed doors

not even hid in a subordinate clause -

all that writing still forever Plan B.


Inexplicable, their very presence

their friends their secrets their hither and yon

earliest memories, latest diversions

their voices their faces the so-called essence

the happily ever after the once upon -

all Biography’s but the Beta version.

Monday 18 September 2023




Yes is the start of possibilities new talking new walking a face

you look at again anew & faces anew words crossing forced borders

that change boundaries untick fences ways of being that do not have

not worked a long while put aside with yes memories generations

of how that way did not work that by asking for new ways

is yes saying Y of a seedling the Y of together possibilities

bless into being listen to the hundred you & me tongues change

death places into ‘deadly’ places meeting in a word start to replace


No is going to get you nowhere maybe you like going nowhere

a place where you don’t need to know anything much at all

as if you will learn something & find yourself agreeing with yes

no is not seeing the landscape in front of you not listening

not seeing others not hearing them just other names N of blank

N of fence from here to horizon dead no time to listen  

Saturday 16 September 2023





Z is for Folly. Z is for Blindness.

The president who acts thus plays the Fool.

His walk-on has Kyiv in its sights, like cool.

A walk gone zigzag, stranger to kindness.


Laugh at him, he’ll shoot you out of the skies,

a streak of Z flames for no good reason.

You question his script? So, what’s your poison?

All in the delivery, zillions of lies.


Z too, was class clown turned president

inheritor of the oblast Wormwood

inventor of the stunt where he dams the gash

knows it’s for keeps, infinite incidents

go nowhere fast as only farces could

stare at the end, the Z, the dead, the crash.

Image: ST(Z)P WAR. Graffiti in Shoreditch High Street, London, made by Matt Brown and posted here at The Londonist: 

Wednesday 13 September 2023



Ode to The          


The, The Table of English vocabulary

each object placed there in all seriousness

The Very Definition of Veryness

The Be-All of Given, End-All of the Ordinary

The Trumpet of Terms, tongue’s tone most timely

inaudible almost amidst consonant currents

genderless bender of converse’s torrents.

Everything stops for tea, then starts with the.


Shall I compare the to a summer’s day?

The’s reliable, the is The Genuine Article

able for The Holiday and The Catastrophe

autumn’s survivor, winter’s thorny stay

spring’s eternal surprise each every particle.

So long as we can breathe lives, so long, the.



Monday 11 September 2023





Only water writes what’s writ in water

shadowing swimming suddenly shifting

sverdrup by sverdrup the sea’s heavy lifting

heaves up to the sun and drowns every quarter …

water speaks these words the air turns nature

syllabic singing satisfied subtle

sentence by sentence stuck in the middle

something anything that speaks as creature

symphonic surly saturnine saintly …

still water runs leaps brooks no argument

showers signatures itself addressing

sonorous salt-free singular salty

simplest sign where is rainbow and serpent

sunshine and moonpull … supplying blessing



Saturday 9 September 2023





Saturday night’s fever party had soul

Sunday’s mind redefined flower power

Monday went to water, glassfuls an hour

Tuesday’s torso was shake, rattle and roll


I took the test, the rat was negative

my eardrums The Future Sound of London

I lived on toast, reading gone sheer humdrum

trams are covid-on-wheels, it’s suggestive


Wednesday’s landscapes survived on panadol

Thursday’s dreams were Hieronymus Bosch

Friday’s rat was another universe

with T for Test yes and yes C, Control

Saturday’s words will be golly and gosh

Sunday isolation, like life in reverse.


Thursday 7 September 2023





We skipped on skirtings, rushed hardwood seats

man with ear to horses, matchbox wireless

Venetian slats let scenery repeat

Preston, St. Kilda, Footscray, Glen Iris.


Corner clang, screeching curve and wobbly bogie

the gabardine crowd stood back to make room,

schoolgirls (gloved), daywear queens, dishevelled fogey

took opposite ends of the green saloon.


Double-tugged the cord, time to go, all clear

the conductor cut the ticket with suns,

our tipsy trip to town dreamt no idea

of drunken midnight last depot runs.


The trucks all halted and no car dared pass

as Melburnians alighted from their W-Class.

Sunday 3 September 2023





d. 1631 John Donne, Dean of St. Paul’s London

subtle conceits and rugged rhythms recklessness

of style and harshness of metre he caused an urn

to be carved its quaint affectation, its appalling


earnestness recalls the very mind of the man himself

once seen, is not easily forgotten the long, gaunt

upright figure of a man, wrapped close in a shroud a face

wan, worn, almost ghastly, with the eyes closed as in death


d. 1889 J. B. Lightfoot, Bishop of Durham, writes further

though his ashes are mingled with western dust

looks towards Him whose name is the Orient


it speaks of a death, a resurrection, a saving as by fire

what penitence, what tears, what merits of his own could

wash out the stains which such a life as his was imbrued?


Found poem: ‘Donne, the poet-preacher’ by J. B. Lightfoot, in ‘Historical Essays’, Macmillan, 1895, pp. 221-245.

Friday 1 September 2023





Fanfare for f: flaming f fire fierce of face

funky faffing f famous for feeling for flow

fortunate fabulous frenetic f friend of fact festive

flip-top freeform free-feed.


Foxtrot for f: foreign f familiar f funny-ha-ha f

funiculi funiculà ffs f wtf f stfu f

freudian fat fig f foxy fancy fruity fair-enough

figurative fantasies fancied.


Fugue for f: fiddle f-hole filigree floating

fluting fingertips forming fountains facades

fervent fans forever of f fast fading faint f.  


Finale for f: feet fail finally friday futile forlorn

formal face funeral for f forms follow functions

filing fleeting fleeing fling forgotten f farewell.