and hungry, the twentieth century automobile rolls from production line, its
shining plate reads COURAGE, a kind of tiger that burns bright in the forest
cities of night, Arabian gazillions in its tank. Heroic is its on-the-road journey
to a future no satnav can imagine. Obsolescence enflames its fearful symmetry,
a trust in rust its makers do not declare. Sunrisen and sunset, the twentieth
century empires fight back, that all-red self-destructed; change their names,
that burnished their crowns. Empires umpire treaties they live to regret, sell
up nations they once boasted with titles and boulevards, devise management strategies
from new formed departments of ANGER, their futures sunroasted, sunbesetted. Pineapple-shirted
and tropical blue, the twentieth century tourist travels with a mental AVERSION
list, paying for the sights and leaving a deposit, a holy smoke destination
where yesterday’s pollution can take care of itself. Physical and chemical, the
twentieth century proof of energy plays with fire, children with a Little Boy
toy they throw in the ring. This is the ring and this is the split, this is the
drop and this is the fire, they cannot resist. It comes in a black box, a game
box labelled FEAR, a throw of the dice and atoms divide, the only rule:
mutually assured destruction. Plummeted and pulleying, the twentieth century
elevator is going up, avoiding unnecessary steps, pushing the right buttons, fun
at so many levels. Where might it end if not on the whitest of moons, taking
childish steps across a sea of tranquillity, collecting lunacies to store in good
ship MIRTH, watching earthrise again, a unique opportunity. Motioning and
pictured, the twentieth century arcade makes the case for AMAZEMENT in
corridors of showcases. Feathered archdukes motion flickeringly into the
oblivion of trenches. Flying Scotsmen break land speed records in brief seconds
of film. Crystal clear Fabs and Top Ten girls shimmer golden up the scale, singing
their youngest words to digitised eternity. Machine-driven and revolving, the twentieth
century turntable says over and over again Nobody Told Me, needling listeners
with forgotten truths and unfamiliar longings green from long ago. The box-set
LOVE warbles birdlike through rooms, whispers pillow-talk over rooftops the
central message of postcard and pulpit, now this very minute. Heating and
powering, the twentieth century fossils breathe smokestack lightning, beating
blue sky thinking to airy nothing, a greyer shade of pale. Gaze turns to glaze upon
that which seems normal, personal satisfactions consuming product at all-time
highs go gangbusters all four quarters. Vapour trails read SORROW, what’s done
cannot be undone.
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