Friday 17 January 2020


At impressionable speeds we have floated
Through months of our lives never lent a thought,
By waters of Babylon booked flight to Zion,
Compiled worldwide playlists that sing its dream.
Uncoiled from beneath Arabian nights
The stories assuring us of comfortableness,
Rebel yell at fresh sight it’s Texas tea
Groundwards downwards soundings everywhere.
The meaning in the arguments of parliament rows,
Black trails beneath headline’s latest ink
The word war to end all wars, for liquid.
Rock roll tycoons give the sheiks a shake
Comes washed down to us behind the wheel, sponsor
Of this month’s championship games and playoffs. 

Details of a joint painting by Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat in the NGV show. The two artists made several of these works on white paper. The tanker truck is by Basquiat, as we can tell from the line but mainly because of his signature crown.When Basquiat died, Haring painted a tribute. I will copy it in here from online. It is a mountain of crowns on what must be intentionally a Give Way sign.


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