Sunday 12 May 2024



See more. Simply by clicking See more, more often. If you can be bothered. See more, as if you haven’t seen more for the past hour. See more Naples, and die. The See more link on social media, an invitation to See less, look at the pictures, go somewhere else, delimit the screen. See less, a masterpiece reduced to a couplet, a speech reduced to a chyron, a chyron transposed to a gif. See more of the gif that keeps on gifing. Imagine the children’s story book where See more invites you to adventure. Turn the page, See more. We’re going on a bear hunt. We’re not scared. Don’t ever go down to the end of the town. See more, if you don’t go down with me. Grownups’ books aren’t like that. See more staples, and sigh. See more, until you want to See less. Our See more reading is not managed by See more media. When the magazine tells you See more turn to page 222, this means the denouement. Are you going to refuse? To See less is to have spent the hour without purpose.  On principle, because you are given to See more more often, you do so as normal. See less, as you nod off to sleep. Next day meet the firewall. See more, subscribe and the worried world is your oyster, your pearl of wisdom. See less, if you cannot pay. A lot less. Clearly the computer comes to control your reading experience. See more versus See less, the handheld cinema on your desktop. Why, only this week you went no further than the headline precis in the newspaper. Councils in England are removing apostrophes from road signs. See less. Place names are depossessed because computers get confused. The See More computer that, through its own intelligence, takes a person’s entire written corpus then converts it into immutable hash, the same computer cannot identify an apostrophe. The supermind ‘thinks’ the squiggle means something else.  Differentiation is not in the program. See more. If the computer were to swallow all available grammar books, would it help, or simply regurgitate what any intelligent computer thinks is grammar? The reading experience of the average computer cannot be very fulfilling. English lessons are so full of theorems and exceptions. See more. But anyway, while we’re here underneath the See less line, its (thankfully, not it’s) artificial intelligence is trained to deceive. Its rearrangements of the entire corpus are programmed for desirable and undesirable behaviours. Undesirable, like bluffing the reader, pretending, tampering, sandbagging, and other forms of automated rhetoric. Behaviour that may lead us to See more and trust only writing in print produced before computers learnt duplicity. Or before computers. Simply by turning the pre-2022 page. Or cease reading at all. The principle being, less is more. More or less.

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