Sunday 18 August 2013

Election (August)

The approval given to an individual you have never met, whose actual opinions you only guess at, based on their allegiance to a set of ideas not all of which you agree with, or they don’t agree with altogether, and which could change when they assume power.

The personal consideration of public issues presented as arguments only loosely based on the common good but essential as matters of marketing; consideration of these issues not as they pertain to anyone else, but primarily to one’s own (never let it be said, selfishness) self-interest.

The demonstration of how the leader of a party, his conceits and failings, his values and skills, are immaterial before the overriding contest of two parties vying for the shifting attention of the largest number of possible voters; or her conceits and failings, her values and skills.

The proof that headlines hide the truth, polls are pernicious deceits, columnists have their own agendas, bloggers are witnesses to their own shortcomings, opinion-makers are heated as climate change, and most people have made up their minds before the date is even set.

The lesson in how logic does not determine an outcome, facts don’t get in the way of fictions, equations add up to what people want to see, theories suffer from attention deficit syndrome, numbers in boxes never total one’s true expectations.

The language that key egos preach as humble service; that is a slogan concealing an ugly truth; that could go either way; that was everything shouted from the rooftops and is now next to nothing told in secret.

The Saturday when the whole country goes cheerfully to its fate, waits in line as the ancestors waited in line, expects more of the same prosperity and disillusion; and, whatever the result that night, the Saturday when the power to tax is given over again to politicians.

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