Friday 5 October 2012



Trees older than streams they grow in, leaves sunstruck
The day we walk up Sheoak River, butterflies orange older
Than the tracks they caper over. Stones older than firs
Came here somehow a seedcone on a ship older waves
Bow sprayed cabin boomed. Sticks older than snakes
Up in the cool, we find waterfalls older cliffs expose
Gape into space, froth older than blood around pools,
Storm blown eucalypts older than leaf-turn cocoons
Summer schools the quickest way. Skinks slim, older
Than a word for them, fishbone fern older than bramble
Blackberries. Boulders headhigh older than glass, canvas,
Toppled into stepping stones blooms of volcanic grey, older
Than the windstreaming trees, older than anthills and their
Perfect warm moment, older than tourists in suncream.

Philip Harvey

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