birdsong Harp could transcribe were fingers
that swift magpie wren lorikeet
squiggly words turn Hard rubbish into sublime
rejects line nature strip
white wands of number nineteen primavera
Heatwave cherry blossom
another anther cipher tumbling black dots collect
Honey in sum
long sliding brushstrokes saying Horizon in
words what cannot be said
fuji t-shirts hats sunfilled undies Hoist
lines aflutter upsidedown
sloppy words ask how many points does it
take to make a Hakea
a fleeting resolution never to write even
one more Haiku
grounds leaves cabbage compost Husks their ragged
ends black soil rich with promise
rooftops treetops full moon whitened up quietly, the
Half moon blacks out
ink squared inhabits House exhibits elements
reasons for building
bumps in the night mouse Hen fox tawny frogmouth? inkwell
isn’t saying
window on garden nightfalls when Hand grand with
words clicks the bedside lamp
even then lavender wet leaves oregano cense clean
night air dreams